To turn off the Firewall, right-click on the CA Shield icon in the system tray, click My Internet, then click Disable Firewall.
You can also right click on the tray icon and choose Exit/Thoát.
Choose Options/Tùy chon (2nd tab at the left, depending on what language you are using).
Double click the tray icon to bring up the GUI.
To enable Bit Defender, do the same steps except click to enable.
Move mouse arrow to the top right corner and click the down arrows.
The black works will change to red, > Virus Shield is disabled.
Move mouse arrow to the black check by Virus Shield is enabled and click.
When the Bit Defender window appears, move mouse arrow to the left side and click > Virus Shield.
Double click on the system icon for Bit Defender.
You should now see a closed, white umbrella on a red background ( looks to this: ).
right click it-> untick the option AntiVir Guard enable.
Please navigate to the system tray on the bottom right hand corner and look for an open white umbrella on red background.
How To Temporarily Disable AVG Components (9.0, 2011, 2012, 2013.
Select avast! shields control and there will be options to disable avast for 10 minutes, 1 hour, until the computer is restarted or permanently. Right-click on the avast! icon in system tray. How to Temporarily Disable your Anti-Virus Real-Time Protection Scanner
How to Temporarily Disable your Firewall.
How to Temporarily Disable your Anti-Malware Scanners.
How to Temporarily Disable your Anti-Virus Real-Time Protection Scanner.
HINT: Find the software you are using by pressing CTRL+F and searching for it. NOTE: System Mechanic Ultimate Defense has been known to prevent NovaBACKUP installations from functioning. During the activation/registration phase, even when utilizing Trial/Demo mode, the NovaBACKUP license server is queried over the internet and if that portion fails it is often due to a software Firewall component of the local computer being enabled. There are scenarios where installing or upgrading NovaBACKUP client software will not work because of Anti-Virus and Anti-Malware Real-Time Protection component(s) are enabled and the fact that this real-time scanning protection is enabled that can block portions of the NovaBACKUP installation routines resulting in a failed installation. How To Temporarily Disable Your Anti-Virus Real-Time Protection Scanner, Anti-Malware Scanner and Firewall Programs, in order to install or upgrade NovaBACKUP.