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Now search for “ Heart Box – physics puzzle game” using the Play Store.Take the robot through all the experimental puzzle rooms of Professor Rat to release him from the charger Use the properties of 20 physical objects for complete all puzzles: test-cube, bowling ball, spring trampoline, dynamite, movable platform, conveyor, fan, pneumatic tube.

The game mechanic is based on whipping a rope. Heart Box - free physics puzzles game RAD BROTHERS Educational (6) Free Get in Store app Description Professor Rat loves physics puzzles and games with robots Therefore, he created Robby, but gave him a weak battery, which is why the little robot has to constantly recharge and participate in crazy physics based experiments. To avoid the dangers, you can draw the line around the blocks, you can move the line just like a rope. How long you hold your finger on the screen, the more passengers do zip line. Heart Box - free physics puzzles game: 4. To rescue the friends waiting at the starting point of this dangerous valley, draw a line with your fingers and after reaching the other home, tap on the screen to let the passengers go on the zip line. 0.2.34c APK Heart Box - free physics puzzles game Android AppCoins Aptoide. Many dangers and traps are waiting for you on this rope road but if you think strategically and connect the two homes with a safe zip line, passengers will arrive their destination alive. The mission is to move people cabin to cabin safely. Physics game lovers enjoy this new puzzle game in which they draw a safe path for the zip line and avoid the dangers.